We are inviting older individuals together with a close other (e.g. a spouse, friend, neighbor) to participate in the Allies in Health Study. The primary purpose of this study is to understand how close others shape each other’s health behaviours, social interactions, and experiences in the current pandemic. The results of the study can provide insight into what older adults can do to maintain their well-being given the current circumstances. Please note, that this study includes COVID-related questions. Answers to this questions will help us understand the context of your other answers, but you can skip any questions you do not feel comfortable answering.
We are inviting individuals from the community who are age 65 or above to participate in this study. You will be asked to approach a person you feel close to, who you interact with on a regular basis, who cares about your health, and who you can turn to for support. This social partner could be a spouse, a friend, an adult child, or another social tie. This person will be your partner for the study. The primary purpose of this study is to examine how people navigate everyday life individually and together as a team.
For more information please visit https://blogs.ubc.ca/alliesinhealthstudy/
You can also email us at allies@psych.ubc.ca or phone 604-822-3549.