NCFR Annual Conference 2024
Dr. Christiane Hoppmann was invited to present at the National Council on Family Relations Conference. Our doctoral student, Ellie Zambrano, also had the opportunity to share her research with other world-leading researchers at this conference!
GSA Conference 2024
The Health and Adult Development Lab sent an impressive group of researchers to this year’s GSA meeting. Dr. Christiane Hoppmann, along with our postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Nathan Lewis, doctoral students Ellie Zambrano and Yoonseok Choi, graduate student Juhyeong Lee (Jay) and visiting researcher Carlotta Grünjes, presented and shared their current research conducted in collaboration with […]
Celebrating the Summer
The Health and Adult Development Lab spent the day at the beach in Kitsilano!
CIHR Institute of Aging Summer Program in Aging
Celebrating a successful Summer Program in Aging (SPA) held in Vancouver, BC in early June! Graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty members joined together to explore how health research delivery and outcome amongst older adults have been impacted by ageism.
Welcome Hansol!
We are excited to welcome a recipient of the Quinn Exchange Fellowship and visiting researcher from South Korea, Hansol Kim, who will be collaborating with our lab this summer!
Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference 2024
Two of our current research students, Huda Rauf and Marina Wang, both represented our lab at the annual Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference (PURC) to share about their research project with students and researchers from Psychology. Congratulations on your accomplishments, Huda and Marina!
Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Conference 2024
Puloma Gupta represented our lab at the annual Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Conference (MURC) to share about her project on “Resilience of Healthy Neuroticism during COVID-19: Associations with Autonomy, Social Distancing, and Alcohol Consumption” with a diverse cohort of audience and researchers. Congratulations on your accomplishment, Puloma!
Welcome Carlotta and Hannah!
We are excited to welcome two visiting researchers from Germany and Austria, Carlotta Grünjes and Hannah Tschenett, who both will be collaborating with our lab this spring!
SPSP Annual Convention 2024
Dr. Christiane Hoppmann, Dr. Nathan Lewis, and Yoonseok Choi represented the lab at the annual Society for Personality and Social Psychology Convention in San Diego, California. Our delegates had a wonderful experience sharing the diverse research from within the lab with leading researchers from various fields.